Sunday, November 1, 2015

Type 2 can be a life long struggle, so it’s important to know how to take care of your body. One of the most important ways that you can take care of your body, and keep your diabetes in check is through your diet. You know the saying that says the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? Well the way to a happy life is also through the stomach! We all know each and every one of us has a unique taste pallet, so when building a diet right for you there are 4 key groups of food to keep in mind: carbs, fiber, fat, and salt.
Carbs, or carbohydrates, are commonly known as molecules that give your body short term energy. This means that they affect your blood sugar much faster than fats or proteins would, therefore it is important to know how many carbs you are consuming. Complex carbs are healthier than simple carbs, like sugar, they take longer to break down meaning that you’ll have a steady source of energy. Counting your carbs, and splitting them evenly throughout meals will help you get a handle on your blood sugar. Ingesting too many carbs leads to high blood sugar while too little causes your blood sugar to go low.  
Complex carbs also provide a good source of fiber, which helps your body absorb vital nutrients and control your blood sugar. According to WebMD having a high fiber diet can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. It’s a win win situation; you absorb nutrients and help prevent future complications for your body!
    The next food group to pay attention to is the fats. Being a diabetic means that you are more at risk for heart disease so you’ll want to limit the unhealthy fats like trans fat and saturated fat (remember that a fiber filled diet can reduce heart disease). To keep a low fat diet check your nutrition labels for trans fat and hydrogenated oils, which are fat rich. As a diabetic, you’ll learn that the nutrition label will be your most bestest friend.
    Having diabetes means that you are at risk for developing high blood pressure, so general rule of thumb is to avoid having too much salt in your diet. But, you know what helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure? FIBER. So next to nutrition labels, fiber is a pretty important friend to have.
    For more information or examples of a healthy diet please follow this hyperlink here. Or visit your local nutritionist who can help you decide a diet that will help you lead a healthy lifestyle.

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