Monday, November 2, 2015

When you have diabetes there are many factors that go into your ability to manage your blood glucose levels. Exercise is one of these things. Did you know that when you’re exercising your muscles absorb glucose from the blood stream without the use of insulin? Exercise is an easy, healthy opportunity for you to lower your blood glucose level if it’s too high. When you have type two diabetes there is a surplus of glucose in your blood either because your cells are insulin resistant or your body doesn’t produce enough insulin to accommodate glucose into your cells. So, exercise becomes an effective way to manage your glucose levels. Exercise in general reaps many benefits such as lower blood pressure, better control of weight, more energy, improved mood, better sleep. For diabetics specifically exercise reduces the risk of heart diseases. Happy heart, happy life.
Make sure when you’re making your exercise routine you start off with a comfortable routine and then work your way up to a more challenging routine. Also talk with your doctor, they can refer you to physiologist or diabetes educator to help you find an exercise plan that’s right for you. For more information and exercise ideas click here.

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